Less than 30% of all speaking characters in the 100 top-grossing films are female. “If filmmakers just added five female speaking characters to their current slate of projects (without taking away or changing any of the male characters) and repeated the process for four years, we would be at parity.”
Tag: proportional gender representation
Colin McCormick did a really great and in depth interview with me for SAGIndie. We covered a significant amount in pretty substantial detail. Suffice it to say that this excerpt is just the tip, and you will want to read the whole thing. But to begin with check this excerpt out on the similarities between producing and directing, and how they demonstrate everything has got to change:
I often say that there is the role of the producer and there is the role of the director that are remarkably similar. The producer comes in and has to extract the big vision, the dream of everything that you
Trapped In The Paradox
Today the second episode will go live at 11A PT on http://reinventors.net/series/reinvent-hollywood . We are going to look at the present plight of “The Artist”. We will be joined by ….
In preparation for it I wrote the following blog post:
Isn’t it about time that the majority of the films could claim that:

We have plenty to be thankful for. Things are getting better — at least in the Indie Film Biz they are… Or should I say Specialized Film Biz? Artist First Film Biz? Whatever this is, let’s celebrate. We have plenty to be thankful for.
I have over 30 points to prove it to you. Granted I have something close to an equal number on the negative side too, but I will shield you from those for the time being. Besides, those negative things are all just opportunities, right? So what is this cornucopia of things we have to be thankful for? Well…
That lack of gender equality in the film business has been clear for so long. A lot has been written about it, and a lot more shall. Like so much, it is a problem for everyone, not just whom it effects most. It is all one world after all.
For a long time, white people did not accept that
I can’t always be optimistic. My apologies.
I did start this HopeForFilm / TrulyFreeFilm blog in the hopes that community action could improve things for us all. My original lists of 75 problems of indie film remain relevant, alas; and with this latest addition we are almost at 100 such challenges.
But don’t be bummed, every problem is an opportunity, right? To quote the great Walt Kelly of Pogo: “We are surrounded by unsurmountable opportunities.” We just need the will, the strength, the hope, and the power to change them. 12 Steps to progress?
I admit, even blessed by my last name, even I can’t be always be optimistic, at least not if I want to also speak the truth. Sometimes throwing a brick is an act of love; you know what I mean? And granted I’ve thrown a lot of bricks at this indie film thing. What can I say? There’s a great deal really wrong with our culture these days and a hell of a lot that can hurt our business. We have to work together if we want to build it better.
Let’s get started and call these “opportunities” out (in no particular order); maybe they are not so unsurmountable after all: