Your cup runneth over. So much happens you barely can determine if it is half full or half empty. To capture this abundance, please turn to our friends at Keyframe for ten additional good things, and our pals at Filmmaker Magazine for ten additional bad.
Category: Issues and Actions
The creation and distribution of content must have equal access for all.
We are trying something a wee bit different this year. Instead of launching with a massive list of either the good and the bad, I’ve teamed up with some partners to help distribute the news. What’s good or bad in the film biz in 2014? Well check out Film Comment for ten good (complete with swell photo selection) and check out Keyframe for ten bad. Tomorrow, Keyframe will break with some more, and Filmmaker Magazine will join for good measure. And then come the end of the week, I will add to each of the lists here. Woo hoo!
Less than 30% of all speaking characters in the 100 top-grossing films are female. “If filmmakers just added five female speaking characters to their current slate of projects (without taking away or changing any of the male characters) and repeated the process for four years, we would be at parity.”
If the best solution is the easiest solution, what takes us so long to do it? The film industry complains about piracy. But what do we do about it? If you want to find a movie available illegally, all you have to do is search for it. But what if you don’t want to have the artists or their supporters suffer? What if you want to make sure that they are compensated for the work they have created? How do you find the legal sites?
Now there is a solution. Finally…
I have great HOPE for what is happening right now in the film business. I recently wrote about it for The Hollywood Reporter. Check it out here.