Truly Free Film

The Cinema Giants Agree: The Film Biz As We Know It Is OVER. Now What?

Perhaps this blog is now obsolete (now wouldn’t that be excellent!).  Or maybe blogging just doesn’t work the way I hope it would (man, that would be a real shame!).  Perhaps change in the film business just about impossible. I am growing afraid it might well be — at least the kind that comes from positive and strategic influence as opposed to spontaneous or reactionary disruption (that kind of change that always is constant).  So what is the next step? And why the bleep do I have to ask?

What is going on in this world when everyone agrees that something is totally f*cked but no one with power appears to be doing anything substantial to improve it?  Are there secret plansof a new cultural infrastructure hatching and 

Issues and Actions These Are Those Things Truly Free Film

Make A World Class Innovative Museum On The Storytelling Arts Happen

Imagine this: one of our greatest artists, foremost innovators, top storytellers of all time, incredible businessmen, and rare facilitators of change decides to join the ranks of Bill Gates and leap deep into philanthropy.  Let’s just say that for one of his initial steps he decides to provide a public museum, one that will focus on particular aspects of popular forms that have been neglected everywhere else but are profoundly popular and inspiring.  For good measure, he decides to gift it on a region that he has historically served despite extreme pressures to follow the herd and abandon his flock for a place to the south.  You’d think his town would rejoice, right?  Done deal, for sure, right?  Front page news? Not so.  Go figure.  George Lucas needs our help.

He’s given to us, let’s give to him.  I mean, he has

Let's Make Better Films

Brainstorming A Good Idea With A Couple Of Chums

” in 1978, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and the screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan worked through an idea…”

If you weren’t in the room, here’s your chance to read how it was done.

Truly Free Film

Indie Owes It’s Heart To San Francisco

@LaFamiliaFilm tipped me to this truly inspirational documentary on the CinephileArchive blog. Where would be without Zoetrope?

Truly Free Film

“Hopefully It Will Be An Inspiring Package Of Entertainment” aka Disney’s Star Wars Franchise

George Lucas has always been an “inspiring package of entertainment”.  To me, he represents a distinct strand of indie: the entrepreneurial artist.  A great vision that recognized how to maximize the business proposition inherent in a story world and it’s execution.  How much money did his model draw into the industry, dreaming of a repeat success?  I suspect it has given birth to thousands upon thousands of cinema babies.  Once we start recognizing the affinity that the creative industries have with start ups and general entrepreneurial ventures all share, we will be able to properly measure Mr. Lucas’ effect — and it will be awe-inspiring indeed.  But that is not the only reason I remain optimistic at this latest stab at media consolidation.  Or should I say “despite” this latest stab?

Bowl Of Noses

Remake Your Favorite Movies Yourself! How About “Raiders Of The Lost Ark” To Start? completes her week of guest blogging in the Bowl Of Noses today.  Super big thanks for all the good links, Mrs P!  Who’s next?!

Learning the craft of filmmaking comes in many forms. This shot-for-shot remake by some Mississippi kids who spent much of the 1980’s recreating “Raiders of the Lost Ark”,  I am sure taught them much about how a filmmaker thinks and what it takes to execute a scene. We have seen this technique used to pay homage to other filmmakers, like when Gus Van Sant recreated his shot-by-shot of Alfred Hitchcock’s  “Psycho”. They type of diligence shows a real love for the craft. I love that these kids had such a long attention span to complete this too. It may have been awhile since people have seen this one. Here’s the first ten minutes., honored with the American Library Associations Great Site for Kids distinction, creates and publishes free video stories read and performed by acclaimed T.V. actress Kathy Kinney. The site has no advertising and offers interactive games, coloring sheets, and activity guides along with “show me the words” options on every story to help early readers, and ESL students.