“A Field In England” – The whole team behind Ben Wheatley’s movie deserves a big shout out. They did something truly different and structured their business to do so from the start. Day and Date? check. Transparency? check. Enhanced value beyond the feature film product? check. Sharing of knowledge for community benefit? check. Social media engagement? check. Revenue sharing? check. Read all about this truly innovative strategy here, courtesy of BFI (see below). I look forward to seeing how you apply it to your own practice.

The British Film Institute (BFI) – This institution makes the list of individuals not because I think corporations are at all like people (Repeal Citizens United!), but because they are taking the lead in heeding the call for greater transparency in film revenue reporting. We will not be able to build a sustainable global indie film culture or enterprise without such facts. The BFI’s GREAT listing of films & case studies of how distribs are using new ways of reaching audiences, such as using new marketing techniques, new distribution platforms or innovative exhibition models is a must read for anyone interested in finding a way to support themselves or others by making films and taking responsibility for them. bit.ly/18p4i8M

Shane Carruth – Shane probably should make this list just for making another one of his movies.