It’s a bit hard thinking through what actually constitutes “good” within an industry. A lot of our “job” is to make things better, to introduce people, to facilitate deals and stronger projects. Generosity is about going that extra step — doing the thing that is not expected and that truly helps.
It’s Thanksgiving here in America. It’s an odd holiday and even if it’s origins are not the greatest, I still dig the spirit. Today I try to examine those that helped me when they did not need to, or whose help was beyond the call of duty
None of us would ever get anywhere if our friends didn’t look out for us. Our lives are not of our own making.
Milton Berle said “If opportunity does not knock, build a door.” But the reality is you need some tools to be able to build; your bare hands won’t suffice. Certain tasks too really are to big to tackle on your own. Someone sometimes has to hand you that hammer. Fortunately, I have had some generous people in my life, who have helped me to connect the dots.
This is a time for giving thanks. Perspective comes with offering gratitude. We need to be reminded of our good fortune. We did not make it on our own. Our lives are complicated habitrails, where others build our ramps, rooms, and wonderballs.
I have hesititated in my life fearing that if I displayed thanks, I would inevitably make a mistake and leave people out. Like me, this is a work-in-progress. I will make a mistake. I will leave people out. But we have gratefully left that analogue world of completion and perfection, and here in the land of digital, everything is constantly evolving. We are free to fuck up. So….
Thanks (in alphabetical order by the introducer’s first name):
Although I have never really been a fan of Thanksgiving as it is currently celebrated, I REALLY like the idea of it — and want to expand it (and better prepare for it). In my vision of it, it is something we all would do together. And I mean all of us, everywhere.
Thanksgiving here in the United States falls this year on Thursday, November 28th. But for what I want to do, we need the week. We need the week to reflect. Really we need the days leading up to it to reflect. I am getting started now.
I am going to reflect on what I am grateful for, on the kindness and generosity others have shown me, and how I can give back. I am going to make a week of such gratitude. It would be awesome if others could join me. That is why I am writing to you now.
That sort of thing. You in?
We Are Never Alone On The Beach
This year I am going to write a list (aka a blog post) each day of the week and name names:
Who I am grateful to for what introductions;
Who I am grateful to what knowledge they’ve shared;
Who I am grateful to for their generosity & support;
What I am grateful for in my professional life;
How & what I can give back without spending a dime.
There’s certainly many other such lists that can be helpful: what I am thankful for on this earth, what I am thankful for that has happened to me in my life, what I am thankful for that has happened to others, what I am thankful for for having recognized, and many more I am sure you can come up with.
As it’s kind of nice to keep track of these thanks, we can follow them via the #HopeAndThanks hashtag.