Although I have never really been a fan of Thanksgiving as it is currently celebrated, I REALLY like the idea of it — and want to expand it (and better prepare for it). In my vision of it, it is something we all would do together. And I mean all of us, everywhere.
Thanksgiving here in the United States falls this year on Thursday, November 28th. But for what I want to do, we need the week. We need the week to reflect. Really we need the days leading up to it to reflect. I am getting started now.
I am going to reflect on what I am grateful for, on the kindness and generosity others have shown me, and how I can give back. I am going to make a week of such gratitude. It would be awesome if others could join me. That is why I am writing to you now.
That sort of thing. You in?

This year I am going to write a list (aka a blog post) each day of the week and name names:
- Who I am grateful to for what introductions;
- Who I am grateful to what knowledge they’ve shared;
- Who I am grateful to for their generosity & support;
- What I am grateful for in my professional life;
- How & what I can give back without spending a dime.
There’s certainly many other such lists that can be helpful: what I am thankful for on this earth, what I am thankful for that has happened to me in my life, what I am thankful for that has happened to others, what I am thankful for for having recognized, and many more I am sure you can come up with.
As it’s kind of nice to keep track of these thanks, we can follow them via the #HopeAndThanks hashtag.