Truly Free Film

IndieStreet Post #9: A 2014 Resolution 4 Independent Artists — Separate Your Egos

By Jay Webb

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Previously: Screenwars

IndieStreet believes that 2014 is the year the cracks widen in the film distribution system. These cracks will make room for entrepreneurial artists to take back deserved revenue generated from their own content. In 2014, Filmmakers will begin to eliminate middlemen, customers will support more creative talent directly, and at least one studio will fall due to its lack of preparation for the cooperative artist revolution.  

Screen shot 2014-01-02 at 8.06.15 PMBy nature, an artist who looks to distribute their work is an

Issues and Actions

Neurocinematics: The Neuroscience of Film

I leave it to you to let us know how this will shape our art and craft.

Truly Free Film

8 Things The Film Biz Can Learn From The Music Biz

If Only Reality Could Hit Us Like A Ton Of Bricks
If Only Reality Could Hit Us Like A Ton Of Bricks
There is a TREMENDOUS amount The Film Biz can learn from The Music Industry, and in particular Indie Filmmakers need to recognize.  Here are are a few observations I have gathered for you:

These Are Those Things

The Middle-Aged Old Fogie That I Am…

Middle-Aged Old Fogie That I Am
Middle-Aged Old Fogie That I Am

If you read this blog you know that I do love innovation, and social media, but…

Call me an Old Fogie or something, but
this wave just washed over me
and I remembered (again)
I was HAPPIER when:

  1. Email did not exist.