Truly Free Film

Press Round-Up On Me Joining Fandor

We announced my new job today.  A review of the press yields a cornucopia of juicy tidbits.. um, TEDbits…:

Truly Free Film

What Can Indie Filmmakers Learn From….

With Careful Observation And Construction, We Can Build It Better
With Careful Observation And Construction, We Can Build It Better

It’s time for a collection of posts on what we can gain from others’ experiences in different fields. Last week, we examined the Music Biz, but why stop there?

Truly Free Film

Sundance 2014 Infographic Released

Data  shows  that  spending  on  indie  films  rivals  the  major  movie  studios      

Entertainment  Media  Partners   and  Cultural  Weekly  are  pleased  to  announce  the  release  of  an  in-­‐depth  infographic  exploring  the  state   of  independent  filmmaking  by  looking  at  key  data  associated  to  The  Sundance  Film  Festival.  Although the info graphic is below on the post, you can also access the full analysis here:

 “This  is  the  first  time  anyone  has  tried  to  quantify  the  amount  of  money  spent  producing  independent   films  every  year,”  said  Adam  Leipzig,  CEO  of  Entertainment  Media  Partners.  “The  numbers  are  huge— over  $3  billion  per  year—even  though  each  film  is  financed  one  at  a  time.”      The  infographic  provides  an  eye-­‐opening  look  at  the  importance  of  The  Sundance  Film  Festival  and  the   movies  screened  there,  by  visualizing  data  on  films  submitted,  films  accepted,  financial  investment,   and  how  many  people  work  on  indie  movies.    It  also  offers  box  office  data  associated  with  films  that   have  sold  for  the  most  money  at  the  festival,  and  those  that  served  as  opening  night  premieres.

Leipzig  identified  these  key  findings:     

• Over  $3  billion  is  spent  annually  to  produce  independent  films,  rivaling  the  production   expenditure  of  major  movie  studios.

• Less  than  2%  of  that  $3  billion  will  be  recouped.  

Truly Free Film

Advancing Film Education, Media Literacy, & the Educational Market For Film

Let's shoot!By Joanne Parsont

In a world saturated with screens and immersed in media, it is not just advisable to teach young people about film, it’s imperative. We all recognize the power of film to both inform and transform, and what better place to make that happen than inside a classroom (or inside a theater full of kids), where students are primed to be enlightened and inspired? As young people have become round-the-clock media consumers and creators, it has become that much more important for teachers to use media effectively in the classroom, for filmmakers to learn how to talk about their work in an educational context, and for students to be exposed to media professionals.

At the San Francisco Film Society, we’ve been working in the educational community for more than two decades, and it is some of the most gratifying work we do. As we’ve steadily built up our Education programs over the last few years, we’ve been trying to find a way to share that work—and the experience and resources we’ve cultivated—with the greater film and education communities outside the local Bay Area. So we are really excited about the great new web portal we just launched: FilmEd.

FilmEd. is

Truly Free Film

Have We Forgotten How To Tap Into The Subconscious?

"Have We Forgotten How To Tap Into The Subconscious?"
“Have We Forgotten How To Tap Into The Subconscious?”

Have our filmmakers forgotten how to tap into the subconscious?

When three of the films this past year that do it best are

Truly Free Film

The Search For A Metaphor For A Total Systems Reboot

Building a better infrastructure for indie film is not going to happen over night.  It takes the entire world to spin for one leaf to fall…  That’s a zen koan that has always stayed with me, with it’s ability to beautifully encapsulate the struggle.

The Next Good Idea

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