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Tag: newsletters
By Laura Hammer
As PMD on Leah Meyerhoff’s I Believe In Unicorns, part of my job was to send newsletter updates to our base of supporters. Newsletters are not just for announcing screenings! They are an integral part of audience engagement and get people involved in your project as early as development stages. Your subscribers email boxes are flooded with newsletter campaigns from companies and projects and they will barely have time for yours. Do not bother them with something hideous (lacking design effort) and difficult to read (text too small or the length of an encyclopedia).
Newsletter layouts have four essential components: Header, Body, *Sidebar, and Footer. *Depending on the layout you pick you may have no sidebar, one, or multiple sidebars! If choosing multiple sidebars, I would advise picking a layout where these columns are below the main body text and above the footer. Choose wisely and investigate your own email box for designs that stand out.