Truly Free Film

What Can Indie Filmmakers Learn From….

With Careful Observation And Construction, We Can Build It Better
With Careful Observation And Construction, We Can Build It Better

It’s time for a collection of posts on what we can gain from others’ experiences in different fields. Last week, we examined the Music Biz, but why stop there?

Truly Free Film

8 Things The Film Biz Can Learn From The Music Biz

If Only Reality Could Hit Us Like A Ton Of Bricks
If Only Reality Could Hit Us Like A Ton Of Bricks
There is a TREMENDOUS amount The Film Biz can learn from The Music Industry, and in particular Indie Filmmakers need to recognize.  Here are are a few observations I have gathered for you:

Truly Free Film

The Digital Recession

By Jim Cummings

In 2011, a speaker at a reputable film festival said to an audience of filmmakers, “the best part about making movies today is that anyone can make movies, and the worst part is also that anyone can make movies.” I turned to inspect the audience because I wondered, as I do still, to whom he was speaking? How could it ever be good for artisans that everyone can make art? What realtor or travel agent is thrilled by new advancements in global connectivity and the democratization of their work? We are all the victims of an imploding digital revolution and although many seem confused about what this means for our future, and the pursuit of film as a career, I’d like to be honest about my experiences in the economics of art, where we seem to be heading, and how we might survive the fallout.

Our first short film was seen by over a million people in 140 counties.

Bowl Of Noses

Silly Stuff: Baby Dancing To Beyonce

Got get some giggles over your cornflakes this morning? Put this diaper dude into your bowl. Forget the milk.