Truly Free Film

How to Use Pinterest to Get Listed #1 on Google Search


By Reid Rosefelt

I have a Movie Actor Quotes Pinterest Board with 86 graphics and a Film Director Board with 65 graphics.   The Movie Actor Quotes Board is  #1 out of 40,700,000 other results on Google Search and  the Film Director Board is #3 out of 73,900,000.  I am ranked over the sites where I find my quotes, an irony I doubt they appreciate.  


Truly Free Film

Diary of a Film Startup: Post # 27: London Calling

By Roger Jackson

Previously: How to Avoid Rejection

London Calling

I’m in London talking to most of the UK video-on-demand outlets. Being English myself doesn’t seem to confer any advantages. It may even cause suspicion — the Brit who abandoned ship and washed up in sunny California, and now he wants our business…screw him.  That’s still the attitude here, at least among some. LOVEFiLM (yes, that’s how they write the name) just told me that while they’ll happily ingest KinoNation films, they’re much more interested in — and focused on — television content. I like that level of honesty, and I’m not surprised. The lion’s share of VoD revenue on platforms like Netflix, Hulu and LOVEFiLM right now is being generated by TV shows, rather than movies. But movies on demand is still a big — and growing — business. Big enough for us to disrupt!

Truly Free Film

The Biz of Film Is A Relationship With Your Community

Sometimes I get pretty excited — particularly when I can see the future starting to grow concrete right before my eyes.  Sometimes it seems we can run right off the cliff into open space and lo and behold the road grows beneath you.  I gave

Truly Free Film

A2E 1.0 Wrap Up: The Road To Sustainable Truly Free Film Culture

1 down, 99 to go.  I look forward to the day when the need for A2E is no longer.  But that sure ain’t now.  We need to launch new iterations in new locations with new participants.  We need to build on what has started.  We need to put the entrepreneurial knowledge into the filmmakers’ tool kit.  We need to make filmmakers as savvy with the platforms as they are with the creative aspects.  If we want a sustainable, diverse, and ambitious filmmaking culture, we need to make sure that the creators and their supporters are the direct financial beneficiaries of the work they generate.

Here’s the initial wrap of round one.  Much more to come:

Truly Free Film

19 Things Regarding Our Current Culture That Should Completely Alter Your Creative & Entrepreneurial Practice

Don't Let The Foxes Get You!
Don’t Let The Foxes Get You!

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If we want to move forward, we need to recognize where we are currently standing, and adapt our behavior to the reality we encounter.

Warning: Such recognition, often makes people think everything is getting worse. That simply is not true; that is just nostalgia playing havoc with your perception.  There never were good old days because back then people still needed to find best practices too.  They did not know then what you know now, just as those coming down the pike will have full benefit of all your excavation tomorrow.  So be it.


  1. This is an Era of Grand Abundance.  There are more things to do than ever before. Everything is competing for increasingly limited available leisure time. As many of 50,000 feature film titles are generated on a worldwide basis annually. Good movies don’t get seen.
  2. Movies are not the dominant option for leisure time activities for most people
Issues and Actions

Simple Fixes: Music Playlists

Either Filmmakers should give Film Festivals the playlists from music from their film (or that inspired them) or Film Festivals should request them from the filmmakers.

Music playlists are

Truly Free Film

17 Things About The Film Biz That Should Significantly Influence Your Behavior

Note: If you’d like to share this article, this is the short link:

On May 2nd, 2013, I launched the A2E (Artist To Entrepreneur) program at the San Francisco Film Society with OnRamp (The Direct Distribution Lab).  This is a pilot lab of a pilot program designed to give filmmakers the necessary entrepreneurial skills to achieve a sustainable creative life amidst this changing paradigm.  We will be working out some bugs but I hope to launch the second iteration as soon as possible (but to do so requires some support, both financial and otherwise, so if you know anyone or any organization that might be interested in advancing film culture and enterprise, please do send them my way!).

As part of the lab, we have a first day of big ideas and case studies that hopefully will give the participants the foundation for a design for living and thriving on their art.  As part of that I have prepared three brief lectures focused on what every filmmaker needs to recognize about the business, the culture, and their practice if they want to have a sustainable creative life.  Split between the three categories, I came up with fifty things you should know.  I will provide them to you over the next week or two, but I wish you all could have been there.   It’s always different when you are in the room.

Today, I will unleash what I think it is necessary to recognize about our industry if you are a filmmaker looking to survive from the work you generate.

It's Not That We Are Alone, It's That We Are Still Green

WARNING: taking any of these points out of context, could create unnecessary fear or depression. If you want to