Truly Free Film

A2E OnRamp Schedule

I thought I should share with you what we are doing May 2-5 at the SFFS A2E OnRamp.  I wish it could be open to all.


DAY 1: Thurs, May 2 “CHANGE”
2:00pm–2:05pm Welcome Alicia Brown, A2E Producer, San Francisco Film Society
2:05pm–2:25pm The 50 Big Realities of Indie Film That All Filmmakers Should Know: Business, Culture & The Artist’s Practice
Part One: 16 things about THE FILM BIZ that should  significantly influence your behavior.
Ted Hope, Executive Director, San Francisco Film Society
2:25pm–2:40pm The Technology
Where we are, how we got here, and where this is all likely headed.
Erick Opeka, VP Digital Distribution, Cinedigm
2:40pm–3:00pm The 50 Big Realities of Indie Film That All Filmmakers Should Know: Business, Culture & The Artist’s Practice
Part Two: 19 things about our CURRENT CULTURE that should completely alter your creative & entrepreneurial practice.
Ted Hope, Executive Director, San Francisco Film Society
3:00pm–3:40pm Its Not Direct Distribution, It’s A Series Of Hybrid Collaborations
Case Study: The Perfect Family: the spend, the strategy, the process, the results and Q&A.
Jen Dubin & Cora Olson Present Pictures
4:05pm–4:35pm Production 3.0 and Strategies in the Age of Social Media
Case Study: The Canyons
Braxton Pope, Producer, The Canyons Colin Stanfield, General Manager, SFIFF

Truly Free Film

When Do You Submit A Script?

We have two approaches:

1) Go for it.  Who knows?
2) You only get one chance, so…
I subscribe to the notion that everyone tries to get something in before anyone else because they are rewarded for it.  You must look at the acquisitions and development departments of film companies through this lens. The job is to suck,