Let's Make Better Films

A Simple Way To Make Films That Change People And The World

What do you want to happen when people watch your movie?
If you want people to:

Let's Make Better Films

How To Avoid A Movie Cliche 101: The Art Of The Fall

Filmmakers love gravity.  Filmmakers love heights.  Filmmakers love fear.  The list goes on.  Is it any wonder we’ve fallen in love with the fall?  Take the leap.  See how it is done.  Determine how you will do it differently.

Gravity: A Falling Montage from Plot Point Productions on Vimeo.

Let's Make Better Films

How To Avoid A Movie Cliche 101: The Last Shot

Context, and the lack there of, exposes a great deal.  In a world of abundance, the common mind is revealed.  We all receive the same inputs, it is surprising we don’t have more of the same outputs.

Take a look at this montage of final shots and decide if our common usage has removed or added new meaning to our common crutches.  Granted, out of context is something entirely different from the closure such shots may bring at the end of an emotional ride.  Still there is something to be learned from how we do things — not that I know what that is yet, but…

Let's Make Better Films

One Week Left To Apply For A Fellowship In Paradise

Imagine one of the most beautiful places in the United States.  Give yourself a month there.  Imagine a private room designed by a great architect.  Add on a miles and miles of a private art park, kind of like Storm King in NY but with the work hidden and no one else to encounter in the woods.  Did I mention old growth forests?  Add that too.  Now sprinkle on a dozen artists of different disciplines.  Top it with a private chef. 

Would that be enough for you to apply for a screenwriting fellowship?

Let's Make Better Films

Brainstorming A Good Idea With A Couple Of Chums

” in 1978, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and the screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan worked through an idea…”

If you weren’t in the room, here’s your chance to read how it was done.

Let's Make Better Films

What Is That Sense Of Place You Loved Back Then?

Remember those places you loved? The ones you wanted to return to some day? What did they have in common? What were the details they shared? Are any of those aspects around you now? Forget about the tourist sites, but what are the favorite places you’ve been to?

1) I miss my treehouse only 12 ft off the ground but there I was king and had escaped from it all (even if it had yet to begin).
2)We had a pine grove behind where I grew up where the trees were tall and straight and all in a line and

Let's Make Better Films

Right vs. Wrong (Re: Writing & Screenwriting)

“Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.”

– Neil Gaiman (via Brainpickings).

Read Neil Gaiman’s Full 8 Tips on Writing here.