Truly Free Film

Why Facebook Is In My Rear View Mirror

By Reid Rosefelt


In May of 2012 I decided to try an experiment. I wanted to see what kind of Facebook Community I could create over the course of three months. I created a page called “Save the Supreme Court–Re-elect Obama.” I did this because I was concerned about what might happen to the Supreme Court if President Obama lost, but I was also thinking about it as an experiment for promoting a documentary, something I had done as a marketing consultant, for films like “The Island President.” I could be getting ready to make a film about the Supreme Court, and using Facebook to promote that would involve essentially the same work– utilizing targeted Facebook ads to assemble a community of people who were interested in the activities of the Court.

I gave myself a budget of $100.

My hundred bucks purchased a wide variety of tiny ads that turned up hundreds of thousands of times on the Facebook pages of people I felt might be interested in the Supreme Court, or had progressive politics. My $100 took me to about 800 members, but then I found myself unsatisfied and hungering for an even thousand. I threw caution to the wind and splurged on another twenty bucks to get there.

Truly Free Film

Simple Fix: Celebrity Twitter Support For Indie Film

Celebrities have the most influence on Twitter.  Twitter is a great way to further word-of-mouth.  Twitter particularly is good to further engagement with something that is immediately accessible, like a television show.

It has been shown time and time again the impact a few celebrities can have when they support a film.

Many movie stars got their start in indie film.  Many movie starts did their best work in indie film.

Indie film is under threat.  It is no longer a

The Next Good Idea Truly Free Film

Simple Fix: Identify Film Images As Film Images

This digital age requires us to be specific.  We need to identify things so we can find things. We can not just leave things alone and expect that they will be discovered.

I get frustrated when I find a good website or article and I am limited on how I can share it. One of the reasons I like Pinterest so much is that it is so easy to use and share. Yet many sites and articles don’t include “pinable” images that drive the viewer back to the page itself, so you can pin them, or if you can, it is not an automatic link.  Heck, I know that I am guilty of such slack; I rarely include images on my posts, which makes them difficult to share.  And even when I do, I forget to put in a custom URL so that it drives the Pinterest viewer back to the post. 

Yet, I am grateful for this slack of mine, for it exposes a bigger problem that we all face.  The same problem — I mean, opportunity — is

Truly Free Film

The 360 Equation: The One Business Model Every Filmmaker Needs To Know

By Marc Schiller

One thing is clear; for independent cinema to grow and thrive, it needs to find a more sustainable business model. And while there’s been a lot of hype around new forms of “alternative” distribution, few people have an answer to the question: “How does this new approach to distribution make more money than the more traditional approach?”

Akin to the old catch-phrase “Where’s the beef?”, today smart filmmakers are asking “Where’s the business model?”

Having spent the last three years analyzing all aspects of independent cinema in incredible detail (from production to marketing to distribution), I’ve developed my own answer in the form of an equation. With the recent launch of BOND360, I’m calling it the “360 Equation”:

Community + Data + Content Bundling + Dynamic Pricing = Revenue

Treated separately, none of these elements (Community, Data, Content Bundling, and Dynamic Pricing) will bring financial success on their own. They are only pieces of a much larger puzzle. But when you put all of them together, and execute them well (that’s the hard part,) they form a very potent combination. And if you develop and distribute your film in a certain way, adopting the 360 equation will definitely bring in more revenue for an independent film than any of the traditional alternatives.

So first, let’s break down each component:

Community: Today when people hear the word “community” they immediately think that their community equates to the number of fans and followers their film has on Facebook and Twitter. And while this is indeed a form of community, in itself its not at all what community is about.

Truly Free Film

How Picasso Can Teach You How To Market Your Movie

By Reid Rosefelt

When I was a teenager growing up in a tiny Wisconsin town, Chicago was the Big City, and The Art Institute was the only major museum I had been to in my life.  My favorite gallery there was the  Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection.   I could gaze at the huge canvas of Georges Seurat’s “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte,” as well as Toulouse-Lautrec’s “At the Moulin Rouge,” van Gogh’s “The Room,” and many others by such masters as  Gauguin,  Rousseau,  Modigliani, Cézanne, and Matisse.  For me, these paintings were celebrities.  Being in the room with them was as thrilling as being in the same room with Bob Dylan or Jack Nicholson.

Picasso's-The-Old-Guitarist - WikipediaDespite all the riches, I found myself drawn to a single painting: Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” an iconic image from his Blue Period. I loved the painting, but my real fascination was with something hidden underneath it.   Behind the old man’s blue head I could see the face of a beautiful woman, her lips resting behind his ear, her neck flowing out from the Platysma muscle in his neck, and her ghostly eyes burning into my own.

Truly Free Film

Why You Should Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

By Reid Rosefelt

Why are you using social media?  It takes a lot of time.   What is the exact benefit you think you can get from it?

I don’t know about you, but the most important thing to me is to send people to my blog.   Certainly I think that utilizing social media to build traffic on your website or blog should be high on your list.

What about Mobile?   As people increasingly use

Truly Free Film

Four Simple Rules for Marketing Your Film (And Why Social Media May Not Be for You)

By Reid Rosefelt

4-Simple-RulesI’ve been a film publicist for 35 years and have worked on hundreds of movies.  Whether a film ended up grossing a hundred thousand or a hundred million, my approach has always been essentially the same.

1) Be Consistent With Positioning

The  most important task for a marketer is to find a description of the film that accentuates its strengths, minimizes its weaknesses, and makes you want to see it.  In the trade this is called “positioning.”