“Noah” directed by Walter Woodman & Patrick Cederberg
Tag: short film
And he’s got some good advice for you!
Like A Lunatic from Sean Pecknold on Vimeo.
Let’s dance! And eat cereal.
Thanks again my friends at Disposable Film Festival for turning me on to this!
I caught all the toads I could as a kid. I kept them in cages. One morning, they were all gone, and in their place was a note from Walter Wart The Freak Frog. This lovely short animation reminded me of those days…
TANK from Nate Milton on Vimeo.
Thanks yet again for Disposable Film Festival for tipping me to this.
WIND from robert loebel on Vimeo.
Thanks again to the Disposable Film Festival for tipping me off to this.
Thankfully, there are those among us who always take things one step too far. It may be difficult for a relationship, but it is one of those things that the internet is really good for. People always say, in terms of content, the web works for broad comedy and horror/gross out, but equally grabbing is the OMFG vein.