How do we make it better? How do we make our indie film infrastructure work for more filmmakers and more diverse audiences?
How do we improve things as individuals as well as a community?
This is the season of giving and that’s not a bad place for us to start. I have always liked the idea of buying local, of buying direct — be it from the farmers, artisans, or owner/operators. I have lamented the loss of more intimate connection that all of our innovation delivers. I have always hated shopping and have enjoyed how the internet kept me out of stores, but there have been some stores, notably book stores, video stores, and record shops, that I enjoyed and now miss dearly. The only online phenomenon that gives me the same rush I got when I discovered from those “stores of old” something I did not know about and simply needed to have is… crowdfunding sites.
There is such a unique pleasure in making something happen. It is an even greater pleasure when you give to an artist that you admire.
This gift giving season I am going to give to twelve artists via their crowdfunding campaigns. I hope