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Now, for the first time ever, anywhere…. sort of… the full length interview Filmcourage did with me. Got 30 minutes? I don’t know mind if you even play it in the background!
If you need a
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Now, for the first time ever, anywhere…. sort of… the full length interview Filmcourage did with me. Got 30 minutes? I don’t know mind if you even play it in the background!
If you need a
You’ve given me the support I needed to go forth and try to get this done. Granted, I had enough support from the beginning to actually believe there was a chance I could not just make movies, but make good movies. That is a real gift, an advantage few have. Courage, faith — those things were there, but so was doubt and fear. Love and hate. The wolves in battle.
What if it didn’t work? And then when that was true, when it did stop working, or at least start to stop working for most, what made me think I could help build something better?
What gives us the strength to make big decisions? To change our path? To take on new burdens?
Granted, Hope For Film is a good read if you are a film fan too, or really a creatively minded person, but it is all of us in the film business (or those that want to be) that my book is geared to. I’ve shared with you the reasons why I wrote it, and many have shared with you excerpts from it. Yes, there are many good reviews out there too to tell you that it is worth your time too, but none of that yet tells you how you will directly benefit from reading the book, does it?
Fortunately, Film Courage came to the rescue. They have released three prior interview segments to date, and this latest one lays out four key takeaways from my book. You’ll have to read the book of course to get the nuance and all the secrets, but if you want more details, watch the video. However, if you want a good idea of what’s in store for the read, here are my observations on my book:
Where does good work come from? Just because you can say something, doesn’t mean that you should. Stewing on an idea does not mean that it will have more flavor. We are told to go, go, go, but when is slow actually the fastest route?
Our goal producing today should be to get our movies MADE well, SEEN widely, and COMPENSATED fairly.
We need to support all four legs: Artists, Audiences, Industry, and Investors.
The best thing we can do is to make sure that investors receive a risk appropriate return.
Check out all the details in this video (never mind the pretty flowers):
My interview for Film Courage made their top ten of the month. I seem to be perpetually stuck at number 5; I guess that is truly Middle-Of-The-Road, eh?
They’ve clearly got at least four people far more interesting than I, so check them out. You can find Jamin & Kiowa Winans of INK there, and Sobi’s Zak Forsman & Kevin Shah, amongst a slew of others.
With Sundance around the corner, many filmmakers are wondering how to get some publicity for their work. The great wide open of the internet has opened a host of new options. There are audio and video podcast shows all over the web. Some still are primarily radio based, others are purely internet. Whatever they are, they are the truly free filmmakers’ friends.