Truly Free Film

If You Want To Make Movies, You Might Well Be Insane

The link between madness and creativity is undeniably there.  If you are, or know anyone in the indie film world, you know this is true without needing to see any further proof: it just goes with the territory, right?  And every day I try to get more movies made, seen, and appreciated, I see it clearer and clearer still.

My best advice to get a movie made remains to keep doing the same thing again and again, and expect to get a different result — which I believe is one of the standard definitions of insanity. I take it a bit further with my metaphor though, because you aren’t doing it right unless it really hurts a great deal.  I suggest that if you want to get a movie made you have to do something akin to running full speed towards a brick wall, sans helmet or pads, and expect that wall to open miraculously.  That’s how you get a movie made: commit to do something that has no logic and expect your passion and commitment to change the outcome.  It’s nuts. But….

Truly Free Film

Why Don’t We Have MORE Mindblowing Movies?!!

We were promised jetpacks.

That pretty much sums up the state of culture for me. Maybe I am greedy. I have far more movies that I want to see than I have time on earth, so I shouldn’t be complaining, right?  I know that we can match people with the movies that they will respond to so much better than we do now. Everyone is in a similar boat of grand abundance. But still…  We were promised jetpacks, and have cheese spread instead.

Is it that we don’t try hard enough to create truly original work? Or is it

Truly Free Film

Why Make This Movie? 15 Answers To A Question That Should Be Asked More Often

You are a filmmaker. Maybe you are a director. Maybe a producer. Well, whatever you are, what if you didn’t have to make the movie you’ve been trying to make so long with so much effort? Well, you really don’t. We often work so hard for so long trying to get our precious films made that we also often lose sight of the fact that all creation is a choice. How can we prevent ourselves from forgetting that there is a right time for every choice?  And sometimes that time has passed us by.

Sometimes the process of putting our movies together has gone on for such an extent, we’ve moved on from the reasons that we wanted to make the movie in the first place.

What makes a movie important to make?  And important to make right now?  What are the factors that require us to make it now?  What should we ask ourselves, before pushing blindly ahead yet again?

Let's Make Better Films

If You Don’t Like Your Job, Quit

The Holstee Manifesto:

This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit. (continued)

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Hat Tip again

Bowl Of Noses These Are Those Things

You Create Your Way, I Will Create Mine

The Human Spirograph:

I enjoy repetitive movement as much as the next, but somehow I don’t think I could find “the music in these circles”.

Thanks for the tip BrainPickings!

Let's Make Better Films

SUPER’s Rainn Wilson Gets Philosophical (Again)

Rainn gives back in a big way. I am a bit in awe in how generative and generous this man is. There’s a reason why he has over 2 million twitter followers and it’s not just because he’s really funny. He cares about things. He cares about people. He cares about process. He’s thoughtful. And he’s one of the folks I am thankful for getting to know in this past year.

BTW, if you haven’t encountered yet, stop delaying. It is where I found this vid and it is one of the best curated sites out there. Give yourself a gift for being so damn good this year and subscribe to their free weekly newsletter. It will make your new year even better.

The Next Good Idea

Creativity Should Be Encourage As Much As Literacy

Encouraged, that is… 😉