Truly Free Film

All Mistakes Are Made In Preparation

I am giving a Masterclass today at the Palm Springs International Shortfest. It’s a chance for everyone to get a double dose of Double Hope as my wife’s latest short film CHINA CONNECTION: JERRY is also premiering at 5P in the “Secret Lives Of Others” program.  I hope to see you at both!
My lecture is “The Artist As Entrepreneur: My Secret Formula For Success In The Era Of Digital Transformation” but I find that if I really want this to resonate, I either need more time to talk or people should arrive having already accepted some truths.  What truths? These truths:

Issues and Actions

Social Media Handbook For Filmmakers

Thanks Kristen McCracken and Seed&Spark! Here’s a great gift for all the filmmakers:

Truly Free Film

On Indie Street: Social Causes Build Loyal Audiences

By Jay Webb

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Previously: What Are Films Without An Audience?

 Screen shot 2014-06-15 at 11.09.40 AMA large portion of our population has thankfully grown past the phase of only wearing bracelets to feel like we are agents of change in our world or society.  Today the world is small enough and access is great enough for every individual to truly make small changes that can accumulate to create huge impact on life and planet. Filmmakers are some of the most dynamic multi-taskers of our world society, and on top of that they already have a solid medium with audiences they can inspire to make important world changes.

With most all film projects, a director must envision some type of change he/she wants to inspire in the film’s eventual audience.  Whether it is changing their perspective, making them laugh, or giving them insight into the world around them, your story should have a designed emotional shift for those you share it with.  Having a grasp on this desired viewer transformation not only helps a filmmaker determine their core audience, but might also lead toward partners that will help to champion the film and build a larger base of fans for the future; not to mention it might do some good to your world. 

Truly Free Film

Case Study: A Lesson in Failure

By Beanie Barnes

_DSC5649As tough as failure may be, something good can come of it – an opportunity for improvement.  There is a stigma and shame that tends to come with failure, so much so that people rarely accept “failure” as an actual reason for failure.  We often bury failure and, along with it, any opportunity to learn and grow from examining it.

Failure is cumulative.  Just as success can breed more success, failure can breed more failure.  Which is why it is so important to learn from it.  That’s why, as noted in my previous article, I’m providing details about my failed effort as a first time distributor, working on the film, FOUR.

Truly Free Film

All The Really Bad Things About The Film Biz

For several years now I have been collecting the really bad things (as well as the really good) about the film biz.  It is a substantial list.  One day I will order it and check it for duplicates.  For now, I think it might be helpful to look at all of them in one sitting.  Do it before you embark on your next film. Do it when you are trying to assess your priorities.  Do not fear.  These are not roadblocks, but opportunities.

Truly Free Film

Inside the Writers’ Room: Post #4: New Patterns of Attention (and Addiction)

By Christina Kallas

images-1The comparison with a novel or with watching a very long movie is a good one for yet another reason: serialization means that you cannot watch the episodes in whichever order they reach you. You have to watch the whole season as if you were watching a 12-hour movie. Terence Winter, creator of Boardwalk Empire and one of the writers for The Sopranos) talks about how the effort still goes towards ensuring that each episode may stand alone, as if it were a mini-movie. So when you just happen to watch this one it still has its own beginning, middle and end, and it makes sense. But it’s like one chapter in a book. To really appreciate it you have to watch the whole series, as you would read a book.

These Are Those Things

Divide And Conquer

HUSKER DU: Divide And Conquer (September, 1985)

Well, they divided up all the land
We’ve got states and cities
Cities have their neighborhoods
And more subdivisions

There’s countries divided by walls
Oceans and latitude
And longitude, longing to find out
Just what they’re missing

There’s lots of area codes
And nine digit zip codes
Secret decoder ring codes
Arteries, shopping nodes