I am worried that the film industry is poised to follow the music biz right down the tubes.
Month: August 2008
Hot Dogs By The Sea Shore
Sure, it’s seedy, but some things are meant to stay that way. I have had many fond memories first found out at Coney Island. I wish some things could never change. This is a nice series to get those memory synapses firing, courtesy of the NY Times.
One day we will take the whole family and head to San Diego, but this year was not that year. Looks like it was pretty fun, and people did come up with some really good garb. Check out these posts.
Tiered Pricing Of The Internet
Tiered Pricing Of The Internet is going to be a bigger and bigger issue in the months to come. Bandwith is the next fuel shortage. The Cable Companies have a virtual monopoly on both what comes in and goes out of your home. And they can monitor it and would like to charge you based on consumption (The NY Times covered this six weeks ago, but…).
Beautiful Ball Collects The City
Wow. I know nothing about video games, but this video sure makes me want to change that. The ball just keeps rolling on, gathering up everything in it’s path of destruction. It’s kinda glorious. And it kinda reminds of me the giant ball in “Raiders Of The Lost Brick“. Maybe “to destroy IS to create”.
Net Neutrality: The Key Issue
I imagine Net Neutrality will be a regular focus here at IW2BF. I am by no means an expert on it, but I do recognize that my opportunity as a Content Creater (aka Film Producer) to access audiences hinges on it. As a general audience member too, I relish my ability to watch what I want, when I want it, and resist anyone telling me what to watch (without me first selecting that curator that is) or restricting my or anyone’s ability to access it. It is precisely this open access that I love about the Internet. And it is this that the TeleCo’s and others wish to end.
Styles Of Animation #1
Torn paper can be beautiful. Particularly when Charlie Parker is playing behind it. Here’s his KOKO with some swell work by George Griffin. (thanks MetaFilter!)