Bowl Of Noses

Staying Wacky Forever

You know those drawings you do that the grownups say “that’s so silly!” about? What is it that they are saying then? Do they want you to keep on doing those drawings forever — or do they want you to stop drawing those creatures right then and now? Did you ever notice how kids’ drawings are soooo much fun, but when the drawers get older they forget about monsters and monkeys and start drawing bowls of fruit? It happens. The why is one of those many unanswerable questions.

Dave Pressler never caught that dread fruit bowl disease. He not only draws really great and silly monsters, but he makes sculptures and all kinds of stuff. Check out his website. It’s a BOWL of fun.
Bowl Of Noses

Monsters Are Cool

Sure every city has a good zoo — well, many of them — but how come there isn’t a single Monster Zoo to be found.  What’s wrong with this planet?

At least you can get a daily eye-diet of monsters here.  There’s also a related blog of monsters by the same guy with lots of fun fan submissions like these.

Bowl Of Noses

Not Your Parents’ DOCTOR WHO

Two holidays ago, we encountered Theo, an eight year old boy in a spiffy suit with a great Brit accent.  When we asked about his get up, he told us of Doctor Who, whom he was playing homage to.  We are forever indebted to Theo.

 The BBC has completely reinvigorated this series, with great scripts, actors, and CGI special effects.  Yes, it’s creepy.  Yes, it’s sometimes scary.  And yes, it’s generally mind-blowing.  We think you need to be seven years old to get the permit to watch it.  But Netflix has the entire series run (they are now up to Season Four).  And they have pretty darn good website too!  Check it out.
Bowl Of Noses

The Monster Engine

Dave Devries takes children’s drawings and lends his artistic skill to them to give them a dose of spooky reality.  He and his work would be in My Museum.  Check it out.