Truly Free Film

Diary of a Film Startup: Post # 29: The Vision Thing

By Roger Jackson

Previously: Dough Ray Me

Crystal Ball

I thought I’d use this post to think about the future and some of the trends that will affect films & filmmakers, particularly in the video-on-demand space. I don’t want to sound like the pompous visionary. I’m not a visionary and I have no crystal ball —  merely informed opinion. This is not what WILL happen, but what I think may happen. And much of what follows may be stating the obvious.

Languages & Territories


The part of the future that gets me most excited is the global market. And I don’t mean just Europe and Asia. There are 7+ billion people on the planet. Right now most don’t have access to movies. Or at least not your movies. Early last year — just before we started KinoNation — I was working in a poor, village in a remote part of Africa, on the border of Mauritania and Mali. Despite extreme poverty and isolation, most of these rural subsistence farmers and their families had cellphones.