The Past sure had some good ideas about the future.
I still want my jet pack though.
Thanks to VSL for the tip!
Tag: Cool Cars
Cool Cars #9: Insect Car
Everything is too big to fit conveniently into our own bowls, right? And as our brood of beasts continue to spawn and overpopulate the planet, how are we going to fit all this stuff we think we need into our hovels? Either we all are going to have to stop accumulating so much useless junk, or we are going to have to start to get smaller. Having our stuff get smaller is a decent start too. That’s we love the Scarab. Is this a car for tomorrow or what?!

Cool Cars #8: Watermelon Car
Cool Cars #7: The Car Bike
I don’t quite know what it is, but it sure looks cool! It’s called the PROXIMA.
Cool Cars#6: Drivable Wooden Cars
Deputy Dog found five cool drivable wooden cars. Read about them there.

And here’s another, this time from the Ukraine:
When your folks gave you a wooden toy, could you actually drive it?
From Spain comes the BRISA (Spanish for “breeze”), a three-wheeled two-seater 100% solar powered. Tell your folks to trash the hybrid, it’s all sun or nothing now. Read more about it here.