My Films These Are Those Things

Why Producing Is Not My Profession

10151911_10153120209659688_407117678916482433_nIn reviewing my book, Nick DeMartino captures a great deal of what I am feeling these days. I think we can move things forward and build it better together.  Nick spots how my love of cinema drew us forward and then how that same love drew me away from a focus on project producing.

“At a certain point, living an independent life, you start to recognize how fragile the whole enterprise is. You can’t afford to ignore the big picture. And you can’t do it alone,” writes Hope, as he shifts gears in the final chapters to share the story of how he left New York and hands-on production to focus on that “reboot,” first in an ill-fated stint at the San Francisco Film Society, and now as CEO of Fandor, an indie-focused streaming video-on-demand service, where he’s busy trying to tackle some of the “141 Problems and Opportunities for the Independent Film World,” which is included in this book as an appendix. 


Good News Re: Getting Attention For VOD Titles

This press release just came in… As a fan of both outlets, I am jazzed.  As a fan of specialized film and a dreamer of a land where we have the filters and curators necessary to deal with the challenge of The Grand Abundance (of Films), I am hopeful.  As a producer of films far too cognizant of the challenges we all face, I am happy to share this news!
Filmwax Radio, a weekly talk show about independent film, is increasing its focus to include Video On Demand (VOD) subject matter and guests.