Truly Free Film

BondIt: Product Launch: Influx of Project Submissions, Needs, Variation of sizes and Interpretation on Usage

By Matthew Helderman, & Luke Taylor


Determining specifics on the success of a product’s launch is always speculative. We’ve seen the same story countless times — a studio primes their latest release to be a massive box office success, only to watch the film crash and burn into box office bomb oblivion. Cloud Atlas, Mars Needs Moms, John Carter, Battleship, The Lone Ranger— we’re all familiar with these recent examples of big-budget bombs that were projected for success and proved to be poor investments.

The reasoning and research behind the cause of these failures and successes is endless — timing, marketing, money, foreign sales, lead actor status, direction, writing, length, acting — any of the above can be blamed for poor results. The reality is, it is simply impossible to determine the exact needs of an audience or consumer before any product is launched. Market research, development, and beta testing can certainly provide some statistics to lean on — but there is unfortunately no exact science until you are out there in the marketplace.

Truly Free Film

Slated: Fighting Gender Bias With Data

By Colin Brown

Jane Campion remains the only woman director ever to get a hand on the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival when her film The Piano shared the Palme d’Or with Farewell My Concubine back in 1993. This week, the same New Zealand-born filmmaker notched up another Cannes milestone of sorts by becoming the first woman other than an actress to serve as the festival’s Jury President. But even if her jury ends up bestowing laurels on one of the two solitary women filmmakers in competition this year, Campion herself remains unimpressed by such belated dents on the celluloid ceiling. “You’d have to say there’s some inherent sexism in the industry,” she lamented at Wednesday’s news conference on the Croisette. “Excuse me, gentlemen,” Campion then added, looking across at some of her fellow jurors sitting alongside her, “but the guys are eating all the cake.”

Truly Free Film

10 Ways Technology Altered My Filmmaking Process

I am not sure cell phones have really helped because I used to be able to always be on set.  When cell phones came along, the producer was always on the phone.  Sure schedules used to be done by hand.  Nothing was wireless.  But what was it that helped make movies more efficiently or creatively?  What were the big advances that I can recall?  Did they all actually help? Did some hurt?

Truly Free Film

Inside the Writers’ Room: Post #2: So What Exactly Happens in the Room?

By Christina Kallas

O_70682The prevailing idea is that film, like any other art form, is made by a single genius. TV drama is, however, more often than not the result of collaboration between many writers and minds. How is that possible, and what does it mean?

Writers’ rooms already existed back in the 1950s, when three or four of the old comic legends would hang out and try out their jokes and material. The writers’ room concept has evolved through time. In the 1980s and 1990s the rooms grew bigger, you went from having three or four writers in a room to 15 writers. Today, due to budget limitations, the rooms have started getting smaller again.

Truly Free Film

BondIt: The Introduction of a New Financing Service in the Entertainment Space

By Matthew Helderman, & Luke Taylor


The smoke & mirrors of the entertainment business

The entertainment business has long been known for its less then above board dealings. Sharky agents, ridiculous financing structures, limited transparency and faulty business models.

That hasn’t stopped an influx of great content, great talent and hard work to get done — it’s just a reality of the territory. But does it have to be? With technology enabling scalability of information and transparency through widespread communication abilities — the entertainment business stands to benefit greatly at the bottom line level.

Truly Free Film

Could These Be The Future Of FilmBiz?

Looking For The Future Of The Film Biz....We were promised jet packs.  Evolution is too damn slow. We keep telling ourselves a change is going to come, but maybe it is already here.  What have you already come across that the rest of us maybe need to climb aboard in a big way? Could any of these be tomorrow’s future today? 

Last year I wrote up a bit of future casting on film culture and business, but my predictions were more from the gut  and general observation than from what others were doing in the field.  Here are over ten additions based on things going on right now, or that those involved in the creations of the next next feel are inevitable.

Truly Free Film

Diary of a Film Start-Up: Post #49: 7 Sins That Make Money Movies

KNLOGOBy Roger Jackson

Previously: What You Must Know About Amazon CreateSpace

Ransom Notes

“I have always believed that writing advertisements is the second most profitable form of writing. The first, of course, is ransom notes.” So said legendary Madison Avenue ad executive Phil Dusenberry. I think of that quip when I’m asked “What  movie subject will make the most money on VOD?” What type of film can you write & shoot quite cheaply – and which can pay out thousands of dollars a month, every month, way into the future? The answer: documentary films that are directly and intensively reflective of the American populace — addressing topics that touch almost everyone.