Bowl Of Noses

Art Doodle Drive Away

More Rinpa Eshidan noodling. What can I say? We’d give these drawers extra noses to come sit in the bowl.

Bowl Of Noses

Biden Is His Homeboy!

Since we rarely get real news or analysis on TV anyway, if you could elect The Bowl for President, we’d mandate that only fifth graders could be the TV reporters.  It doesn’t get much better than this:

Hope The Younger however pointed out how important it is to know how it all works.  He finds it interesting that a candidate can win the popular vote but still not be President, but mostly he likes how this site (click to link) shows the current election going.  You can also use it to see how the elections went each year, state by state.
H2theY also sniffed out this site (LivingRoomCandidate) for The Bowl to let all of you see how commercials have been for the candidates each of the past elections.  We find it fascinating!
Bowl Of Noses


via bad banana blog

Bowl Of Noses


The latest Hope got the Encyclopedia Of Immaturity yesterday and it has produced many fits of hysterical laughter in our house.  One of the “experiments” is to create these crying babies via some upside down posing.

Bowl Of Noses

We Want To Make The World A Better Place

If The Bowl could vote….  

Isn’t it exciting how anyone can now make their own video, and show the world. It wasn’t always that way. This is the first presidential election that all Americans truly got to show each other how they feel in so many different ways. The Bowl voted to express itself with MC Yogi’s expression since it had a beat you could dance to (and of course because what he raps!).
Bowl Of Noses

Rube Goldberg’s Brood Grows

Alright already.  So the brood before was a few bricks short of a load.  We know we needed more.  We had them in The Bowl but we weren’t letting them out.  

Somehow it seems that the folks who always trying to sell you something (in this case, sell you parents something) think that wonderfully complicated contraptions sell beer.  We don’t see the connection, but we are glad they do, as we love these spots.  So much work went into getting them right, right?

We particularly like when the complicated domino machine involves people, like here:
But just because you’ve seen these ads, don’t go reaching for the grown-ups’ drinks, or else we will have to censor ourselves!
Bowl Of Noses

A Brood of Rube Goldberg’s Spawns!

Okay, okay.  So what if we like following how balls knock things down? We like other things too.  Like how dominoes knock things down.  And we really like how dominoes knock each other over and make all the pool balls go in the pockets (please pardon the intro…)

But for a particularly glorious contraption, please check out this site here.  I hope one day to walk into someone’s apartment and to see such a labor of love in action.