Truly Free Film

Escape from Africa – African Indy Films Unleashed on the World

Africa in film is on the rise.  There is an explosion of filmmakers and storytellers emerging from the continent with a global vision that reflects the realities of contemporary life – rapid urbanization, internet-enabled mobile phones and satellite TV in middle-class African homes. These filmmakers have burning and powerful stories they wish to tell and share with the world and these stories are as compelling and diverse as the continent, its inhabitants and its history. Therefore audiences, eager for distinct content, are turning to Africa.Pix

Truly Free Film

Hope For Film Speaking Tour

There is a lot to say
There is a lot to say

I have a lot to share with you.  I also have a lot of hope for film — and I am not just talking about copies of my book for you to pick up.  Anyway, you can hear it all directly from me as I will be on the road a lot over these next few months. Hopefully I will be coming to your town. If you happen to teach at a college, and I am coming through already, let me know, and maybe I can make an additional stop. If I am not passing through, and you’d like me to, let me know. Here’s a sampling of where I will be headed as well as the dates: