Truly Free Film

How Do You Want The Movie Business To Work?

There are many ways I could answer this question.  The one thing I know for sure though, is that if you work in the film business, and you don’t have at least one answer to that question, you are being irresponsible.  I have a few other thoughts that stem from that same point, but I will leave those alone for now too…

We need to be able to have some answers to our industry to work in the same way we should be able to answer it regarding our government, or your kid’s education — we should have an opinion on how we’d like them all to work.  Okay maybe the film biz is not as important as either of those things, but don’t you think we all should have an opinion on all of these?  I do.

We just shouldn’t accept the way things are. We should try to move things forward.

One of the things I most want the film biz to be able to do is