Truly Free Film

Indie Street Post #5: Indieconomies of Scale: Distribution

By Jay Webb

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Previously: Indie Street Post #4: Maximizing Your Story-telling Capital

Indieconomies of Scale, Part 3 (of 4): Distribution

Distribution and marketing are the business areas where we at IndieStreet are really getting excited about the great potential effects of Indieconomies of Scale.  Empowering a group of Independent artists to unite and grow together as a trusted brand has not been a realistic option until recently.  Indie filmmakers didn’t even have great ways to find each other before the rise of social networking. And now, just by cooperating with one another and utilizing some emerging technologies, a small group of artists can gain negotiating power, release momentum, and expand customer reach in ways comparable to a larger distribution company.


As human beings we are each looking for our own path and purpose, and through our journey we will surely run across successful people or companies out there that we don’t “like” or may not agree with.  The mistake that many of us make is to take these entities as a whole, and not try to absorb or learn from different aspects that makes them successful.