These Are Those Things

Ultimate Mash-up Live? Three Of My Fave Bands Sort Of Together

I moved to NYC because of Lou Reed and Martin Scorsese. They were my young man gods of creation.

Yo La Tengo first album came out my second or so years ago. I think I have listened to all of them and have most of them. I’ve put their songs in my films. I did one video for them back in the day (with Hal Hartley). They scored ADVENTURELAND (which featured the idea of Lou Reed along with some of his songs).
And through all that Alex Chilton, Big Star, and The Box Tops played consistently on my stereo(s).
This definitely sits in the “wish I could’ve been there” bin of my time on this earth. I should’ve and could’ve but… well you know how the song goes.
hat tip: Neil Marks
Truly Free Film

What’s The Future Of Film Look Like?

I don’t have that answer and I will leave it to the others (at least for today) as so many are offering options:

Each day I have been experiencing and encountering new ideas and new practices; All of it is pretty damn thrilling. So what if we are racing forward even if we don’t know where we are going. I am loving it.

Like I said, I don’t know, but I do believe that some of these tools will change some things significantly.

You-Centric: The Future of Browsing from Carsonified on Vimeo.

That’s Aza Raskin from Mozilla. And this is an attempt to explain Google Wave:

What are the other five tools that will make sure tomorrow does not look like today that I should be posting about?

Bowl Of Noses

Robot Music: Incredible Bouncing Balls

I wish I could find a version of this in higher resolution… but for now, this is all we have to put in the bowl. Makes me want to make a contraption…