Issues and Actions

Net Neutrality: The Key Issue

I imagine Net Neutrality will be a regular focus here at IW2BF.  I am by no means an expert on it, but I do recognize that my opportunity as a Content Creater (aka Film Producer) to access audiences hinges on it.  As a general audience member too, I relish my ability to watch what I want, when I want it, and resist anyone telling me what to watch (without me first selecting that curator that is) or restricting my or anyone’s ability to access it.  It is precisely this open access that I love about the Internet.  And it is this that the TeleCo’s and others wish to end.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people working to preserve Net Neutrality.  The first thing you need to do is go to  and sign their petition, write to your rep in congress, and get their regular email blast.  It’s a great site.
There are also a lot of good articles that you can find on the subject:
Adbusters: Net Neutrality
Lessig’s 2006 “No Tolls On The Internet” 
FAQs: Net Neutrality
Bowl Of Noses

Styles Of Animation #1

Torn paper can be beautiful.  Particularly when Charlie Parker is playing behind it.  Here’s his KOKO with some swell work by George Griffin. (thanks MetaFilter!)

Bowl Of Noses

Skulls Are Cool, But…

…it seems people like money more. Have too many skulls, people might think you are nuts.  You ask me, the same should be true about money.  One of the most valuable things on earth is a good sense of humor though — and that’s something money can’t buy.  

Absurdity is the recognition and celebration that some things just don’t make sense, and it’s best when done with a sense of humor.  To cover a skull in $98,000,000 of diamonds (and ideas — they cost $28,000,000 without the idea…) is nothing short of absolute absurdity.  It’s kind of the wonderfully silly thing that no one should ever do, and we are so happy that some did.  There 8601 diamonds on it if you are counting.  Thank you Damien Hirst (and thank you Jim for reminding us of this shiny sparkling brainbox).

Damien is the same guy who did the shark at The Met, by the way.