Truly Free Film

This Is How I Would Like It

But alas, I think I have to move to Brazil to get it.  I was reading in Variety, how a distributor (Rain) there has gotten all their art cinemas to go digital and use the same software management system, enabling them to get their films via satellite.  They then allow the audiences to organize themselves via a social network platform and select what films they want to see where and when.

Rain’s COD will allow moviegoers, grouped in online film clubs, to recommend what films play when and where over Rain’s digital cinema network.

Once exhibitors slot a film, virtual cinema club members can buy tickets, refer further wishlists to friends and, exploiting MovieMobz’s social networking system, let other people know what films they’re attending.

“For the first time in the market, we are offering new opportunities for the entire cinema chain: Consumers can choose their content; exhibitors can more efficiently program their screens; and content licensors can more easily find their audience,” Lima said.

MovieMobz will book film screenings of new and old features as well as niche content.

Ahh….. one day soon, maybe America will catch up.

Truly Free Film

South Korea’s New Model

HRptr had an interesting article on some experimentation going on out east.

Truly Free Film

Marshall Herskovitz: "New Media is not a business"

From The Wrap…  Herskovitz on Lessons On Life On The Internet.

Truly Free Film

Competition Is THE Problem

Lance Weiler gave an excellent presentation at Power To The Pixel in London a few weeks back.  As he points out: competition is the problem.

He boils it down and provides the antidote (collaboration!) in a short powerpoint presentation here:
From Here to Awesome

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: models new)

And if you want to hear and see it all with Lance actually presenting it, catch it here — he provides a great context for it all: