Truly Free Film

Starting Down The Path Towards Filmmaker Empowerment

Today’s guest post is from attorney Steven Beer.  We look forward to many more posts from Steven on this very subject: Filmmaker Empowerment.

Producing independent films requires a broad skill set, including a keen eye for material, masterful team management skills, a facility with numbers, and an understanding of the marketplace. There is only one thing more difficult than producing and making a great independent film: securing a modest return on one’s investment in an independent film.

Why do so many prospective investors (beyond friends and family) roll their eyes when they are asked to invest in independent films? One business manager swears that, generally speaking, independent filmmakers and producers are not capable business people. He believes that they are so focused on making the film that they tend to overlook many key business elements. In support of this assertion, he cited the cursory nature of most business plans, the modest returns typically offered for a risky investment, and the failure to fully establish reliable marketing and distribution plans.

Truly Free Film

Reinventing The Wheel, Again and Again and Again

If I had to state one of the most crucial things we need to focus on in the indie film world right now, I would say that working to establish a sustainable investor class ranks right at the top.  If only it did not take a bit more than simply stating it…

I have made over sixty films in about twenty years.  Each film is a new start up with a new structure and new investors.  It is not a very efficient system.  Folks from The Business Community often express interest in trying to bring some greater reason to our world.  I hope they succeed and I am available to help, but it is not so easy a mission.

One of the reasons that each film has it’s own financial structure is that every film has its own needs.  We are not making a standardized product, but we are working with artists who have developed unique talents for getting their visions and emotion up and out there.  Filmmakers need a protected environment to work in.

At the same time, Investors need access to the process to trust their needs are being taken care of.  These needs are most often quite different from the filmmakers’.  How to provide trust, confidence, and comfort is part of what makes producing such a challenge (and pleasure).