Bowl Of Noses


Snails are definitely not my favorite animal.  World Records and the pursuit thereof are definitely odd things however.  What possesses people to do these things?  I am happy being an average person never knowing the glory it is to have 25 snails on your face.

The previous record was 15. Tania Walton, age nine and the new record holder, previous personal record was just 9.  It’s kind of like she “Phelped”.  It’s so beyond what was considered great just yesterday.
In case you want to try it, the rule is you have just one minute to place the snails and then you have to sit up and have the slithering beasts stick to your face for ten seconds.  Whew!
(thanks BoingBoing!)
Bowl Of Noses


The grown-ups messed things up and now the penguins need a new place to go.  What are these flightless fowl going to do?  Find out at PenguinScience.  Lots of good videos including one on the one that doesn’t wear a tuxedo: “Blondie”.

What’s your favorite animal?
Bowl Of Noses

Dancing Walrus

Continuing with yesterday’s theme of NOT-SO-stupid-tricks-by-animals-you’d-never-have-as-a-pet-tricks…

Bowl Of Noses

Best Friends Of A Lion

My apologies for the cheezy song playing in the back ground of this video, but keeping with the recent animal theme, we had to put this in The Bowl.  And double apologies for the sappy sentiments at the end; it makes you wonder why people can’t trust the power of images and why they have to repeat what has already been said.  All that said, it’s nice to see such a friendship.  Maybe we should set all the pets free and see if they come back to us…

Bowl Of Noses

Pachyderm Picasso

Is this for real?  A hoax?  Whatever, I love it.

And this just in: now there is the first ever entire elephant family who paints together. Check out the video here.

Bowl Of Noses

Hey There, Sleepy Head!

You ever have one of those days when you couldn’t keep your eyes open? This cute little creature could have been on the other day’s alphabet if could have stayed awake long enough to get a photo taken.

Bowl Of Noses

H Is For Hedgehog

M is for Macque.  The BABY ANIMALS ALPHABET is here!  Finally!  More cute animals.  Just what is needed to start the morning.  Parents need coffee.  Kids need cute animals.  Right?