The Next Good Idea

No Forest Should Be Used To Make Toilet Paper

Greenpeace has come out with a handy dandy guide to see what is the most environmentally friendly toilet, bathroom, and kitchen paper.  Come on, save a tree.  It won’t be so rough on you will it?

The Next Good Idea

Fast Track Skilled Worker Immigration

Even just on the economics of it, it makes sense.  Read the NYTimes piece.  The logic is there.

The Next Good Idea

Why Twitter Works

“It seems when you give people easier ways to share information, more good things happen”

Twitter Co-founder Evan Williams speaks at the Ted Conference.  I have been playing with Twitter for about a month now I think.  I still remain unsure of ultimate opinion on it, but Williams makes enough good points for me to keep the experiment going.
The most exciting thing about Twitter is the possibility of real time searches.  What are people thinking about whatever it is you are concerned about right now?  Granted it is a bit like the problem of documentary film: you can only ever film someone being filmed.  Here, with Twitter, it is only what are people who like to tell people what they are thinking about, thinking about X right now.  Still, when my film opens, you know I am going to be doing Twit Searches on the hour.
There seems to be four main types of tweeters: 1) the too much info addict – those that share all they are doing all the time; 2) the large conversation networkers – whether it is subjects or activities shared among large groups (mind you in 140 characters or less); 3) the pushers  – sellers and marketers that want you try what ever they have; and 4) the curators and referral service sorts that offer up what they found.  It’s this latter group I subscribe to and follow and so far like where they take me.  I can’t consume as much that is out there but like the quick hits I get.   Williams discussion of the intersection of the final two in social action and charitable giving gives me a lot of hope for the platform.
And in this latter group though, I see tremendous growth opportunity.  There’s many services that could be provided.  I am excited for what the future will bring.
The Next Good Idea

Competition Is THE Solution

Okay, this contradicts what we said here, but why not let the crowds find the answer for you?  

CrowdSpring creates contests for logos and other design work.  It not only will save you money, but it opens the doors for young designers worldwide.  For me I already see many different ways to use this site.  We always need logos for each new film company and each new blog or website. Every film I am involved with needs logos for all the fake products and magazines we create. 
I have often wished the film biz would have a repository for cleared logos and maybe this is a good first step.  Each production could hold a contest on CrowdSpring for a new product logo, pay the designer $200, and provide an open license to any other filmmaker who supplies an open license logo that year.
Any ways, Forbes has a story on CrowdSpring.  They also mention competitors that are essentially freelance service marketplaces like and where you can get bids on everything from design work to legal to accounting.  Forbes points out the issues that come from folks speccing out jobs, but here in Filmland where every project I engage in, I do so on a spec basis, it’s hard to not opt for an open door policy.
Thanks to Armano for the tip!
The Next Good Idea

Endangered Species Ringtones

I got this email from my sister Abbey:

I just downloaded the authentic sound of an orca as my new ringtone on my mobile phone! It was free and serves as a reminder to listeners about our endangered species of animals. There are loads of choices, from grey wolf to elk, to rare frogs. Check it out at this user-friendly website:

Even if you don’t want to download this to your phone it’s fun to just listen to the calls (and you can tease your puppy or kitty with it.)
I personally chose the Houston Toad.
The Next Good Idea

Recycle Something New This Year

Well, not new.  I mean recycle something you have never recycled before.  I am going to start with some of those old cell phones that I haven’t ever been able to figure out what to do with.  

Secure The Call is a website you can use to do just that: recycle your cell phone.  It’s not that they recycle it in that they don’t break it down.  They repurpose it:

We’re a non-profit coalition of Police Departments, Sheriff’s Offices, Battered Women’s Shelters, Neighborhood Watch Groups, Community Service Organizations and Senior Citizen Centers. We take your donated phone and convert it into a 911 emergency only phone and give it back to our coalition partners for distribution.

If you don’t want to stop there and want to start to e-cycle the rest of your electronics, the EPA maintains partnerships with a whole bunch of retailers where you can take your stuff to discard of properly.  The list is here.

Or maybe you want to donate your old computer to a school or organization that needs it.  The National Christina Foundation is a not-for-profit dedicated to the support of training through donated equipment.  You can donate your computer to them.
The Next Good Idea

Zwaggle: Parent Exchange

Now that would be a good idea that I am sure a lot of children would like.  In fact I think there already is a few reality shows mining that topic.

Zwaggle is another sort of parent exchange.  I have been intrigued with the general Free movement — I mean why not just give it away?  Imagine what it would be like if you had a close group in your area that freely exchanged hand-me-downs without any need to barter for what you get back in exchange.  Just give in good faith.  After awhile doesn’t everyone out-grow everything (other than their loved ones, family, and friends that is).