Bowl Of Noses These Are Those Things

Today Is FREE Comic Book Day

Stop by your local comic book store and get something free!

Hat tip to Geek Dad for the reminder.

Bowl Of Noses

Lil’ Aliens

Bowl Of Noses

Build It And They Will Come (Thanks To The Internet!)

Caine is a nine year old boy who built his own cardboard arcade. He only had one customer but he did not let that stop him. One day, everything changed…

Visit the site for Caine’s Arcade:
And give a little something to Caine’s scholarship fund.

I can’t help but think that this only a moment of minutes before Chase or some other thief masquerading as an institution steals this lovely short and makes it into a commercial without paying the originators (like they did with the Brooklyn Space Program).

Bowl Of Noses

What Can YOU Do?

We all have unique talents, right? It takes a little training to bring them out though.

via Nickyskye @ MetaFilter

Bowl Of Noses

If Only My House Could Be Invaded By Music-playing Robots…

Well, this is the next best thing…

Is it only me, or does everyone else always hear the James Bond theme when I walk into a room?

Bowl Of Noses

WOW! What Can YOU Do?

When you look at an artist, an athlete, a leader, sometimes your jaw just drops at their incredible talents and skills. I can not even fathom how someone does what Marcell Endrey does in setting this World Record For Blind Folded Rubik’s Cube Completion…

Bowl Of Noses

Losing Your Teeth

It happens, even in really cute tribute shorts to spike jonze and/or where the wild things are, like this one.

Buildings & Vampires from Nico Casavecchia on Vimeo.

Thanks again to Flavorwire for the tip!