Truly Free Film

Buffalo 8: How To Sell an Independent Film & Actually Make Money

By Matthew Helderman, & Luke Taylor
Completing a film is a feat in an of itself — but selling a feature film in the current international indie film climate is another story all together.
Before embarking on the writing & development stages of a feature film — take some time to dissect the market and assess the realities:
The market is heavily over saturated — attending any of the major film markets will reveal this truth. Cannes, AFM, Berlin, Toronto, MIPCOM, etc… There is much more content than viewers could ever possibly absorb. 

Truly Free Film

VIDEO: 8 min REcap ReInvent Hollywood and The Form

Our discussions on ReInvent Hollywood run 90 minutes (and you can watch the whole thing here), but in this day and age sometimes we only have time to watch ten minutes on the bus. Here are the high points in a highly digestible format:

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