Truly Free Film

What Tech Advances May ReInvent Cinema’s Form?

HOPEfully you are currently participating in our conversation to ReInvent The Form of Film.  Although I am writing from the past, and posting in the future, I anticipate the conversation is currently based on creative solutions to the form.  I imagine some of you are wondering about technical innovation and how that may change things for us.  To that end, I wrote up this list of recent advancements to consider. Some I was able to find good links for.  Others I have not succeeded yet, and could use your help.

How will these technological advancements play into storytelling?

Truly Free Film

If We Are To ReInvent Hollywood, Start With THE FORM

Today will be the first episode of the web series I am hosting, “ReInvent Hollywood”. It will be live at 11A PT on

The first episode is on “The Form”.  Is the era of feature film dominance over? If so what is to take it’s place?  We will look at technological advances and cultural changes that effect the manner in which we tell stories.  Has science influenced us? Will it?  What are good examples? Are their best practices? We have a great group joining in to participate: Karim Ahmed, Tiffany Shlain, Michel Rielhac, Liz Rosenthal, and Lance Weiler.

I wrote the following blogpost to give you an idea of the why and the how: