Truly Free Film

What Does ‘Community’ Really Mean For Film?

 By Fraser Brown

I’m producing my first feature film. We’re on our 10th day of night shoots and I’m delirious with lack of sleep. It’s 11pm in the middle of a New Zealand winter so I’m wearing 6 layers (3 of which I slept in last night) and a pair of ugg boots. It’s not pretty but I don’t care, I’m loving it!

Production designer Lyn Bergquist gives Calae Hignett Morgan “Kenae” a graffiti lesson.
We’ve written a character driven drama so all our planning was designed to produce an environment that would enable us to get the best possible performances out of our actors. 3 of the 4 leads in the film are teenagers, dealing with some pretty heavy material, so we needed to provide a safe and supportive working environment for them. To create this environment we developed a Whanau (Māori for family) approach to the production that has 3 main elements: