Truly Free Film

What Is The SimpleFix And Why Is It So Important Right Now

The analogue age was about getting things right.  There was a finished product,  There was a completion.  The digital era is about iterations and evolutions.  Things can change.  We can build upon what others have done.  It is a process.  We don’t have to get it right the first time.

Most people were educated to pursue the analogue age’s solutions — that miracle of perfection.  We were taught to work until we got it right, and that often meant that process was hidden and not shared.  It is not a process that teaches one to believe in the power of collaboration.  When we are result oriented as opposed to process focused, success becomes intimidating and mystifying.  People’s closets, sock drawers, and hard drives are filled with beautiful ideas never brought to light.  

Truly Free Film

The Innovation Renaissance Is Born When Creative & Tech Hook Up

By Mohammad Gorjestani
This last month, Volio, the company I co-founded 2 years ago and head creative for, launched in a partnership with Esquire Magazine.
Volio is an interactive storytelling platform that basically feels like a “facetime” or “skype” experience except the person you’re talking to isn’t live. We take pre-recorded scripted video segments of a talking head and let you engage in a bit of a choose-your-adventure re-imagined type of way, powered by your voice.  
Volio is another product and example of the merger between tech and creative thats happening around the

Truly Free Film

Beyond Facebook

By Reid Rosefelt

As recently as last summer I thought that a filmmaker could do a good job with social media only using Facebook.

I’m not saying that anymore.

Back then, the crux of my argument came from my supposition that most independent filmmakers’ time was very limited.  If they had time to do Twitter, Instagram , Tumblr, etc., that would be great, but I knew what was involved in making a film and I knew that a log of people were doing DIY distribution.  Facebook was bigger was bigger than all other social networks combined.  Facebook offered unique advantages like cheap advertising.  Facebook took very little time compared to the others.

So I told filmmakers and other artists and said: “Learn how to use Facebook!”

That was then.

Truly Free Film

The Thrill Of Losing Your Independence

It is pretty great to be part of something, to no longer be truly independent. I have made & released my movies with great teams of collaborators, so I can’t say I have ever really been independent, but those are all in service of a single goal.  Since coming taking a hiatus from that life, I have a multiple series of goals and a team to work with to execute them, and you know what?  

Truly Free Film

Diary of a Film Startup: Post # 24: Comparison Shopping

By Roger Jackson

Previously: Countdown to Launch

Comparison Shopping

Last week I had a discussion with a Netflix executive that convinced me of the importance of online VoD guides. Sites like Can I Stream It in the US, and Find Any Film in the UK. Netflix see them as a huge threat, since these sites make it super easy to discover which video-on-demand platforms have the film you want to watch. And which ones don’t. The reality is that Netflix don’t have most films.

Truly Free Film

The Film Distribution Spigot Is Not A Slow Drip But A Torrential Flow

We have lived so long in the era of the inverted pyramid that we don’t yet recognize that the pipes have all burst.  For the last twenty-plus years the number of movies made each year increases, but the number of movies theatrically distributed remained around the same. But theatrical release — or even a festival premiere — does not a movie make.  

No matter what camp you sit in — artist, audience, or industry — the onslaught of titles now available to you is nothing short of devastating.  We miss more than we see, and forever will.  It is a flood and no one is throwing us life rafts.  

All the new digital platforms and social media tools have effectively crushed the dam.  It was a barrier that needed crushing, but

Truly Free Film

A2E = Artist To Entrepreneur THE TIME IS NOW!

Check out IndieWire’s exclusive break here.

And here’s our press release: