In Graham Taylor’s rousing cry for more entrepreneurialism in the film biz (aka LAIFF Keynote), he stated: “my 1st important lesson in Hwood: the most dangerous thing in this biz is apathy & cynicism” . That got me wondering. I tweeted: “What’s the best first lesson you learned about the film business?” I got a lot of good responses. These are some of those:
AlexanderBaack Alexander Baack
That it’s called “breaking in” for a reason.
wvfilmmaker Jason Brown
whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t – you’re right. The people you need to support you can tell and react to that.
pedramfd Pedram F Dahl
It is not your “cool” idea per se that will attract people but the hard work you’re willing to put into it.
dnbrasco David Davoli
Choose your partners wisely.
Sasha Waters Freyer
I saw this post earlier but didn’t have a chance to respond. Around 1994, one Mr. Hope gave me a excellent piece of advice: “sometimes, one of the best things that can happen is for people to say ‘no’ quickly.” I have never forgotten it, and it’s proven to be an enduring truth!
sokap1 David Geertz
“what are you prepared to risk to get the risk capital? First you make a film, then you make a deal”
AND via my boss in 96. “I know how and what you want to make Dave, but who’s going to fund it and allow that visionary path to happen?”
Dealfatigue Peter Kaufman
It’s about equity (script is given)
Phillip Lefesi
know what you’re doing and get it in writing.
yodapoda Iris Lincoln
No one knows anything
FilmmakerMag Scott Macaulay
Best lesson? I wrote about this in the mag, and it comes from James S. in 1994: “Get people to say no and then move on.”
mlmower Michelle Mower
There are hundreds of people out there lining up to steal your baby. Don’t let them.
jeffrichards Jeff Richards
Best lesson: few will actually follow through and be genuine, so have lots of irons in the fire and be one of the few.
ScreenSlate Screen Slate
eavesdrop on everything
vivesmariano Mariano Vives
concentrate in the solution not in the problem, that’s already happened and blaming someone is not going to take it away
im2b dl willson
ok last one promise – Figgis again taught me the right way to make actors feel safe so they can fly & no one will get hurt.
im2b dl willson
Tyne D. telling me “time to take filmmaker hat off.” then as I settled into being her son, taking my hand-“focus on me”
gerwinters geraldine Winters
talentless shit with connections get to the top
evermorefilms Andy Wright
“Why should YOUR screenplay be made into a film?”
Kleb28 Mitch Klebanoff
Know your audience.
Baanzi Larry Long
if you want to direct, then direct. Don’t try to work your way up through the ranks. Make it happen! Should have listened
cassianelwes cassian elwes
its about the script
im2b dl willson
as a director/producer Mike Figgis “90% of the director’s battle is won or lost in casting”
im2b dl willson
as an actor.. Julian S. & Bill Paxton told me “learn not to blink”
im2b dl willson
the first line producer on first film “1st job of PA… keep your mouth shut and ears open”
TheLoneOlive Amanda Lin Costa
never expose film to light #thegoodolddays #filmschool #bolexmyfirstlove PS Martha May Marcy Marlene looks so good!
mattob34 Matthew O’Brien
Love your audience, start with the script.
garyploski Gary Ploski
“It’s who you know.”
adamstovall Adam Stovall
Work hard, and know it’s not up to you when you’re rewarded.
David_Fulde David Fulde
If you are ‘on time’ you are late. Show up early
mattob34 Matthew O’Brien
Your movie is only going to be as good as your worst actor.
MalcolmIngram malcolm Ingram
People fail upward.
1982moro Valerio
don’t be late! Never! even when it’s late!
ngerger Nicholas J. Gerger Be able to throw out the schedule and shoot at least a 12 hour day.
convercinema convercinema
What is the first best lesson you learned about the film business? <<< Collaborate with care!
shericandler Sheri Candler
it is full of a lot of talk and everyone inflates everything!
mattob34 Matthew O'Brien
Always have the next thing ready.
Andy Wright: "Make sure you have your walkie talkie switched on, or else you will be shouted at by the 1st A.D. in front of the entire cast and crew...
Brian Linse: "Good, Fast, Cheap - pick two."
Scribbler Jones: "Get a shark for an entertainment lawyer."
Michael Gaston: "Get it in writing."