Truly Free Film

Sol Tryon on “The Living Wake”: Doing it differently (Pt. 1 of 3)

Today’s guest post is the first of three coming from the filmmaker Sol Tryon.

The Living Wake has been a truly original project from the get go.  With a creative team of first time filmmakers we knew every phase of getting this film made and distributed was going to be an immense challenge. Peter Kline, Mike O’Connell and myself developed the project from its origins as a 20-page one-man show into a full-length feature film.

Once we had the script ready to go, we knew it was going to be something that we were going to have to make on our own to prove ourselves to the film community.  We shot a short film based on the characters from the feature to help us show investors that we had a distinct voice and vision.  From there we were able to raise our seed money to get us going.

The three of us moved to Maine intent on making this film however we could.  

These Are Those Things

Cancelled Dreams

Banksy in Boston…
Thanks to James Lilly for spotting & FBg this!

Bowl Of Noses

Papercraft & More!: Dr. Shroud

“Who’s Dr. Shroud?” you ask. Well he’s one cool and creepy dude and you can build him yourself pretty darn quick. Check out the papercraft here.

And why stop there.  Dr. Shroud’s creator has just announced:
Dr. Shroud Virtual Sticker Contest!

We’re giving away a Dr. Shroud Prize Pack, including a Dr. Shroud action figure, a Dr. Shroud T-Shirt and 5 Dr. Shroud Stickers!

The winner will also get a mention in the upcoming Dr. Shroud episode.
Here’s what you have to do to win: Simply take the following “virtual sticker” code and copy and paste it onto your website, Facebook page or wherever. Starting April 1st through April 30th, we will track the number of clicks from your site with the highest number of clicks taking the prize.

Just copy the code below and paste it today on your space:

<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img longdesc=”” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Dr. Shroud” width=”216″ height=”288″ /></a>

It should look like this:

Dr. Shroud