Truly Free Film

15 Ways To Show Your Collaborators You Appreciate Them

As an indie film producer, what can you do to show appreciation for all those that are helping you make your film?

  1. Do your job well. Make a film everyone is proud of. Give the team memories that they were lead well.
  2. Provide timely information and decisive actions, as clearly as possible. Don’t try to hide anything. Don’t sugar coat; speak truthfully about the situation — reality may not be pretty, but presenting it clarifies your mutual trust.
  3. Recognize how well your collaborators do their jobs and show how much you appreciate them. Show respect. You can’t make this film without them; they chose to join you and you are fortunate to have them.
  4. Learn everyone’s name. Learn something about them. Take interest in their lives. Remember & celebrate their birthdays. Thank them for their work.
  5. Demonstrate that you are concerned for your crew’s health. Provide vitamins and sun screen. Can you provide flu shots on set? When someone is sick, send them home.
  6. Have a true commitment to safety. If working long hours on location, provide overnight accommodations. Don’t let people drive when they are over tired. Really have a safety meeting each day.
  7. Good food is quickest route to someone’s heart. Provide thoughtful craft service: healthy food, fun food, new food, fresh food. Work with your caterer to make sure people are getting what they want.
  8. Provide a constructive work environment. Keep the workplace clean and orderly. Don’t joke around camera. Don’t let people read in view of others. Give everyone access to information.
  9. Don’t contribute to a bad world. Help your team recycle. Don’t force them to waste due to their work situation. Use less paper.
  10. Bring some fun into their world. Provide entertainment or education at lunch breaks. Do “dollar days” at the end of the week.
  11. Let them help the world at large. Organize a blood drive at lunch during production, a toy drive, or coat drive during the winter months. Get absentee ballots when they will be working during election periods.
  12. Adopt and post/display strong anti-discrimination, anti-sexual harassment policies.
  13. Help them enjoy themselves. On location, provide an extensive entertainment list for all visiting crew and cast, including restaurants, theaters, medical, specialty stores, massage, and directions. Organize some group outings during non-working hours.
  14. Go that extra distance to make things better for the team. On location, provide laundry service. In booking travel, always enter everyone’s Frequent Flyer miles. Provide direction books in all vehicles.
  15. Recognize everyone as a key part of the process. Get them the tools they need to do their work well. Screen dailies and invite everyone. Create a blooper reel to screen for crew. Give them posters, DVDs, t-shirts. Inform them as to the progress of the production. Allow them to comment on the website.
When I have asked for some of these things from past production teams, I have occasionally met with some resistance. “I am a production manager, not a camp counselor!” “These people are adults; they should be able to take care of themselves!”.
I don’t agree. Everyone works hard. We need to show that we appreciate it. It’s funny though, when I put this question out there to the Facebook & Twitter worlds, I think people mostly recommended alcohol and backend points. Money and booze, maybe that’s all it takes…
Special thanks to all of you who contributed to this. This was a crowdsourced post.
These Are Those Things

I Love Procrastination

Procrastination is surfing the internet — and finding things you love. Procrastination is putting things you like on your blog about the things you like.

John Kelly brings a lot of joy to procrastination.
Thanks to for all the great curating!
Bowl Of Noses

Even Little Dummies Can Sing!

Some say this is the weirdest Beatles’ cover EVER! We wish they sang on our corner every weekend.

Thanks BoingBoing!
Bowl Of Noses

Our Favorite Monsters: Mr. Can Can Man

Okay, so he speaks French and we can not understand. But we know he cares about recycling and we really dig how he looks so we just had to put him in our bowl.

You can find him here. There are 4 or so different spots to view — and you can tell your parents you are practicing French!
Bowl Of Noses

Adopt A Monster

Maybe we are bringing the bowl a little late to the party, but we finally stumbled over Moshi Monsters. We’ve always been more fond of odd beasts over here than stay those monochromatic ground-bound birds (aka Penguins). That said this playground does remind us of the Penguin’s club, only still different. And it does get our “hey, I wish I thought of that” star of the day.

Check it out. We do call it fun.
Truly Free Film

Good-looking* Films Shot On The Red Camera

Of course, not being on this list does not mean, the film is not good-looking. The only criteria here was that I harvested the suggestions from my twitter and facebook feeds, and I knew of the movie (*not actually that I saw the movie).

I needed this list and really appreciate everyone putting it together (so damn quickly too). I place it here assuming others too will need it.

Butterfly Effect 3
Crooked Lane
District 9
Easier With Practice
The Exploding Girl
The Girlfriend Experience
The Informant!
The Knowing
Life During Wartime
The Red Riding Trilogy 1983*
The Social Network
Van Diemen’s Land
It’s sort of interesting how widely diverse the films are both in terms of content and in terms of budget.
These Are Those Things

In A World Of My Own Design, Buskers Would Be Superstars

A couple of weeks ago, I was reminded of this video from a friend’s Facebook posting. I wrote about this video awhile back; the video successfully went viral (14.5M views!) and I love how social media keeps the good things coming back.

In a world of my own design Buskers would be Superstars. Along with: Pranksters, Benevolent Conspirators, Babysitters, Curators, Public Artists, Teachers, Puppeteers, Community Organizers, and Stop Motion Animators. One day, one day….

I really appreciate how that friend’s FB posting lead me on a tour through several covers of “Stand By Me”. I didn’t discover this song via Ben E. King, which will always be my definitive version. But it was John Lennon — who still has taught me more through his music than any other pop star. And will always rank as one of the great rock vocalists in my book. But I am sucker for this tune when anyone sings it. I have posted it other incarnations, and suspect I will well into the future.