Bowl Of Noses

Our Favorite Monsters: Mr. Can Can Man

Okay, so he speaks French and we can not understand. But we know he cares about recycling and we really dig how he looks so we just had to put him in our bowl.

You can find him here. There are 4 or so different spots to view — and you can tell your parents you are practicing French!
Bowl Of Noses

Adopt A Monster

Maybe we are bringing the bowl a little late to the party, but we finally stumbled over Moshi Monsters. We’ve always been more fond of odd beasts over here than stay those monochromatic ground-bound birds (aka Penguins). That said this playground does remind us of the Penguin’s club, only still different. And it does get our “hey, I wish I thought of that” star of the day.

Check it out. We do call it fun.
Truly Free Film

Good-looking* Films Shot On The Red Camera

Of course, not being on this list does not mean, the film is not good-looking. The only criteria here was that I harvested the suggestions from my twitter and facebook feeds, and I knew of the movie (*not actually that I saw the movie).

I needed this list and really appreciate everyone putting it together (so damn quickly too). I place it here assuming others too will need it.

Butterfly Effect 3
Crooked Lane
District 9
Easier With Practice
The Exploding Girl
The Girlfriend Experience
The Informant!
The Knowing
Life During Wartime
The Red Riding Trilogy 1983*
The Social Network
Van Diemen’s Land
It’s sort of interesting how widely diverse the films are both in terms of content and in terms of budget.