These Are Those Things

Learn To Fly

Recycling a post from Bowl Of Noses today, but hey sometimes what’s good for kids is even better for the grown-ups.

Learn To Fly from Christian Letruria on Vimeo.

The Next Good Idea

Petitions After The Fact

If you want to change things, some times you have to show how something has already changed.  Everyone has climbed on the bus when you think they are still at the stop waiting.  This is a good idea: build a list of everyone who is well known who has done that thing you know they’ve done but it’s not being said.  You could extend this to many activities.

Bowl Of Noses

Learn To Fly

We all have to start sometime, right?  Every nose picks itself up and waddles out into the real world, leaving all the other schnozolas behind.

The Blue Crane is the national bird of South Africa.  It began a sudden population decline from around 1980 and is now classified as vulnerable.  Here’s two of them just starting out.

Learn To Fly from Christian Letruria on Vimeo.

Truly Free Film

Helpful Hints: Tiny URLs

I got this note the other day from Reed Martin.  I think it something you might find useful too.

Have you heard about this? 

It’s and it could be helpful for getting the URL to your blogs out to more folks. 

Tiny” allows you to basically cut a long link like this:

down to something easier to put on a business card, like this:

Anyway, it’s a thought. All my best, Reed