Truly Free Film

Film Festival Plan A: Getting The Word Out

Word of mouth is the key thing in generating want-to-see and future revenues for your film.  You want to shape that conversation as much as you can.  
It once was that film critics truly helped shape these discussions, but most have them now have been fired and lost their platforms.  Even before that, many had shifted to a simplistic way of reviewing, reducing things to a yay or nay and a synopsis.  But whom is doing this now?  There certainly is a galaxy of film bloggers out there.  And they are a lot easier to reach than their prior generation of film critics.  
If you got your film into a major film festival, I am sure the blogosphere will want to hear from you.  But why not go that extra step and get them a DVD in advance.  It’s hard to see more than 25 films at Sundance and since there is five times that amount there, why not make sure that they see yours in advance?
Truly Free Film

Film Festival Plan A: Your Website

Today’s post brought to you by Jon Reiss:

I thought I’d offer a few more comments about having a filmmaker website. In fact it is crazy not to have a website during production or pre production these days as a way to start building your audience.

The king of using the web is Lance Weiller – definitely check out his Filmmaker Magazine article “Lessons in DIY” from Winter 2007.

But one quick tip – you don’t need to spend a lot of money designing a complex static website with lots of information about your film. I recommend using a blog as your main page. It is much easier to set up and is easier to keep current and dynamic. For Bomb It nearly all the traffic is to our blog – very rarely do people check out the other static pages on the site. With a blog format – most likely using WordPress – you can create all the information pages you need such as “About the Film” “About the Filmmakers” and have these in a box on the right or left. (we have Press and Screenings links at the top of ours)

I am slowly turning which is what you are reading into a main page for my site. It is much easier to update all of your information using “pages” in a blog than to have a web-designer have to rewrite your information using html.

Feel free to check out the difference in:

Another good example of a blog as main page, and a site you should check out anyway is

– Jon Reiss
Bowl Of Noses


via bad banana blog

These Are Those Things

Chris Marker’s Cat Loves Obama

Two of my favorite things on one t-shirt!  You can order it here.

Thanks Tim!

Bowl Of Noses


The latest Hope got the Encyclopedia Of Immaturity yesterday and it has produced many fits of hysterical laughter in our house.  One of the “experiments” is to create these crying babies via some upside down posing.

Bowl Of Noses

We Want To Make The World A Better Place

If The Bowl could vote….  

Isn’t it exciting how anyone can now make their own video, and show the world. It wasn’t always that way. This is the first presidential election that all Americans truly got to show each other how they feel in so many different ways. The Bowl voted to express itself with MC Yogi’s expression since it had a beat you could dance to (and of course because what he raps!).
Bowl Of Noses

Rube Goldberg’s Brood Grows

Alright already.  So the brood before was a few bricks short of a load.  We know we needed more.  We had them in The Bowl but we weren’t letting them out.  

Somehow it seems that the folks who always trying to sell you something (in this case, sell you parents something) think that wonderfully complicated contraptions sell beer.  We don’t see the connection, but we are glad they do, as we love these spots.  So much work went into getting them right, right?

We particularly like when the complicated domino machine involves people, like here:
But just because you’ve seen these ads, don’t go reaching for the grown-ups’ drinks, or else we will have to censor ourselves!