Truly Free Film

How I Gave Up On The Film Industry and Did What I Loved: PART 2

By Jacob Kornbluth (See Part One HERE).

inequality-for-all-poster-600-longSo there I was. I had totally given up on my film career in LA, and gone to live in Berkeley, CA. In trying to put together a fiction film, I had met Robert Reich and become friends with him. Reich and I had started making short videos together, they were successful, and I had begun thinking about how to make a film about what had happened to the American economy and the Middle class. But I had no idea where to start.

The first thing I did was try to get some sense of who was making films in the Bay Area.

Truly Free Film

Towards A Sustainable Investor Class: A Portfolio Approach

As I mentioned last week, if you have half a brain and STILL want to invest in the film business, you know you need access to quality projects.  But generally speaking there are a few other things you want too.  I think this post subject (TASIC) can become a regular weekly column.  Today we will explore the phrase that should be on every potential film investor’s lips:  a portfolio approach to investment.

Knowledgeable Investors are not going to bet the horse or house on one trick pony.  Wise players want