Truly Free Film

The WASTELANDER PANDA Saga! Part 1. Development: Creating the Storyworld of Wastelander Panda

by Kirsty Stark (Producer), Ella Macintyre (PMD) and Victoria Cocks (Writer/Director)

Part 1. Development: Creating the Storyworld of Wastelander Panda

One of the first questions we’re asked when people hear about Wastelander Panda is “How did you come up with the idea?”  It’s a strange concept – the meshing of two ideas that don’t necessarily fit – but this seemingly incongruous pairing is one reason we believe the project has had so much attention so far.  Our initial three-minute Prologue, designed to test the concept and see if we had an audience, had over 100,000 views in its first three days online.  However, our success hasn’t all come down to luck, but is due to a carefully planned process that saw us create a story world from scratch and go on to implement an online distribution strategy.XBlog-1.1