Truly Free Film

Top Ten Tips For A GREEN Indie Production (Pt. 3 of 3)

The last two days film producer/director Miranda Bailey has guest posted sharing her trials and tribulations at trying to make indie film green.  Today she shares her tips.

Miranda’s Ten Tips for Greening Your Film.

1.) Take a deep breath and realize you will not be able to be completely green. Acknowledge what you can green – Trash, Catering, Water Bottles – and go from there.

2.) Make sure there is a recycling bin next to EVERY GARBAGE CAN.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.

3.) Give everyone a reusable water bottle and show them where they can fill it up instead of using plastic disposable ones. As soon as they lose them, which should be with in the first 48hours of giving them out, give them another one and use the money you saved by not buying water bottles on buying a gazillion Sigg bottles.