When we were first trying to figure out how to make a lot of movie with a very little bit of money, our MO was to boil each scene down to it’s single essence. Or at least try to. Why fill it up? Why not strip it down instead? What was it that the movie truly couldn’t live without? Was the scene about plot or performance, beauty or energy, humor or emotion? I think this video could have helped us a lot…
Month: July 2009
Let’s Go To The Moon!
Take you pick of Apollo missions here.
Where We Are Not Going This Summer
Well maybe one summer we will get here. I have never been, but I am glad I live in this age where I can have a 360 degree virtual tour of such wonders.
All of these blogs got recommended to me as being open to reviewing unreleased film.
http://brendonbouzard.com/blog/ Brendon Bouzard
http://d2dvd.blogspot.com/ Bill Cunningham action,horror, pulp,sci-fi, thriller
http://www.hammertonail.com/ Ted Hope
http:/www.ironweedfilms.com Christophe Lepage
MyFiveYearPlan Brendon Bouzard
http://www.notcoming.com Tze Chun
How Muppets Work
HowStuffWorks explains How Muppets Work. It’s more than just putting your hand inside a puppet you know.
Make Your Own Alphabet
A more accurate title for this post would be: “Make Your Own Font” because we aren’t suggesting you throw out our trusty twenty six or even alter how they are built. We just think it’s fun to find the letters where you don’t usually look.

In response to the LOVELY BY SURPRISE post the other day, filmmaker Ashley Meyers wrote in with this suggestion: What Indie Film Blogs will cover undistributed films? Please help us build this list. Let us know which ones you know about. Or better yet, make a whole list and send it in and get the gold star of the day!